line & cycle

Was hoping for the bicycle to show up better, but it was dark and the lamp was the single light source. Now want to go back and reshoot without the bicycle. Bowling alley parking lot a few weekends ago.

Taking public transportation (bus) creates some interesting opportunities, whether its meeting people, not having to worry about drivers that conduct their vehicles like they won their license at the state fair in an hot dog eating contest, or just simply saving on some fuel. What I like most is observing people for those ten or whatever seconds I see them.

Waiting to for the bus last night I noticed a young driver trying to park by the library, keep in mind this is parallel parking. First try- hits the curve so pulls out and decides to start over, too close to the car in front if you ask me. Second try- still to close an hits the curve, again. Third try- starts over, has good distance and manages to do a decent job after going back and forth a couple times, normal. Third time is the charm right? think again. Driver pulls out and decides to start over, begins to back in, stops, looks at side view mirror, pulls ahead -for a second I think the driver has given up and is going to try another space elsewhere- then backs up next to the car behind the empty space, yes behind the empty space! Begins to pull in nose first, hits the curve -again- drives over the curve, does another one of those back and forth and has done a decent job, at least it seemed like from where I’m standing. No! Not good enough. At this point I can see the desperation on the driver, leaning on the hand, shaking and scratching the head. It seems as if the driver has given up, will leave the car as it is and continue with life. Not really, a few cars drive by and the driver pulls out and stops next to the car in front of the empty space. This is what, seventh or eight try? The bus is approaching and I begin to think, should I wave it by and see how many times it takes to park a car? I’ve got things to do tonight and don’t want to wait 30 minutes for the next bus, I say to myself and decide to leave. As I board the bus, the young driver begins another enduring attempt at what seems to be a very difficult task, something that in my opinion has completed twice but decided to start over. It’s a red light so the bus sits for a few minutes, I look out the window and see the driver pulling out, again. The light turns green, as we begin to turn and loose sight of the circus act, I peek back to check on act 12. Last I saw it seemed like another successful attempt at parking the car, but who knows if the young

driver decided more practice was needed. Wish I had a camera with me.

Don’t ask me for the gender of the driver, I wont tell you.

Whilst this has nothing to do with todays post and I agree parallel parking can be difficult, watching this evolve made me chuckle and hope you can see the comedy in it also.

2 thoughts on “line & cycle

  1. Interesante foto. Le va muy bien el blanco y negro. No creo que la bicicleta haya quedado muy oscura.. si no, siempre puedes tirar de photoshop un poco…

    La historia del conductor/a es genial. Cuando yo aprendi a conducir tambien me paso alguna vez que quieres que el coche quede perfecto y lo sigues intentando, pero 12 veces..! Yo a la tercera o cuarta me habria ido a buscar otro hueco.

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